Sunday, March 11, 2012

Moving already

Moving my blog to wordpress (sorry google) because it seems awesome.

So go read it here!

Thoughts from church

Occasionally I go to church with my grandparents, just to keep them happy. Here are some (often random) thoughts I had this morning. Some of them come from things that were said, some of them just popped into my head.

The Christian Elite
Apparently Christianity (along with most other faiths) is some kind of elite club. Something the "unbeliever" can't comprehend. Apparently you have to have Jesus to have any kind of deep connection with each other. Why? Why can't the human connection be good enough? No. Why can't the existence connection be good enough? Why can't we have such deep connections with all beings--human, non-human animal and plant alike? Ok, I'll stick with people for now. We don't need some kind of invisible being to draw us together. We have a rich history of struggle, diversity, power, unity, disunity, pain, triumph. There is such diversity in the world. Why are we wasting time sitting in the same pew every week talking about the same book our European fathers (and yes, I mean fathers--male) have been talking about for two millennia? Why aren't we reaching out across the globe to hear the voices of those from other faiths and those from non-faiths?

Most people spend their lives searching for some sort of truth or purpose. Not just people of faith. That's not exclusive. So that's a connection we all have. Use it. Let's examine all cultures, reject what is harmful and promote what is good.

Heaven Addicts
All this heaven talk is like escapism. People can't get over the bad in this world so they spend their lives looking forward to what might be next. What a sad life. Enjoy what you have! Sometimes it really really really sucks (for some more than others), but look for good! Most people sitting in those pews are not suffering like some in the world, so I *know* that most of them are capable. And when we have difficulties, escaping them by imagining some other world is not the healthy way to deal with them.

I can love too!
Sympathy and empathy are also not exclusively Christian, in case you were confused. Family is not exclusively a faith thing. Granted, I don't know much about evolution, but I'd guess family is an evolutionary development. Family helps us survive. It's natural to love. It just flows. It's not necessarily natural to love *everyone*, but some kind of compassion, sympathy, empathy, etc. IS natural. Not something you have to pray for. We can want to help people without having God in our lives. We DO want to help people without having God in our lives. In fact, if we're more worried about what's happening here and now rather than what eternity might look like, we're probably more likely to help people here and now. Atheist #WIN.

God does not make you good. You make you good. You choose to be good. This morning the preacher said "not a single one of us has anything to give to God that is of value." He went on like that for a bit and I had to fight the urge to stand and shout "NO! YOU ARE PRECIOUS! YOU HAVE SUCH GREAT VALUE!" That idea is certainly biblical--it's in the psalms, Paul says things like that, etc., but so is your value. So I don't mean to say Xianity is completely cruel in that respect, but this idea is perpetuated far too often in religious communities. It's perfect, really, because it keeps people in. If you always think you're worthless, you're always going to cling to that one thing that makes you good--God. Fundies like to keep us all in a perpetual state of failure. But, in case you were wondering, there are plenty of us out here who are great without God. We are all capable of great things.

Give us a break!
Why can't atheists have something too? Christians are freaking out about billboards, ads, TV programs, etc. Hello! Christians have billboards, politicians, TV programming, radio stations everywhere! And you're going nuts over a few billboards?! What the hell??

Saturday, March 10, 2012


I feel like there *is* something hiding inside me that wants to be written. Maybe not even hiding. I might just be feeling lazy today and that's why it's not coming out. I don't feel like thinking. Because suddenly I realize there are plenty of things I want to write about, I just don't want it badly enough to work at it. Oops. Going out to look at the sky for a while. Maybe I'll be ready when I come back.


I haven't written anything yet today. At least not here. I just finished The Hunger Games (the first book). I think that when I read something like that (fiction), I get lost in the world inside the book. It becomes reality. Nothing else is real. This is why I read so much when I was young. I loved nothing more than the excitement of exploring another world. Any other world. I could pick up any book and get lost in it.

I'm wondering if this is healthy. I mean, obviously if I were to spend that same amount of time lost in some other world today, it would *not* be healthy. But I wonder if I can even handle one book. Today I feel that all my imagination (creativity?) was used up in thinking about being part of the world in The Hunger Games. I could probably take something from that and use it if I thought about it for a while, but I haven't yet. I think the temptation to lose myself in books like this might be a bit much for me. I don't know.

Friday, March 9, 2012


I was about to dig into my dark chocolate (vegan) pancakes with my homemade (vegan) nutella, when I paused. Today, for me, is supposed to be about finding purpose, so a certain deliberate, meditative moment felt necessary after the preparation of food. I don't often pause before eating--I'm usually too excited about what's in front of me--so for a brief second the idea of prayer came to mind.

Most people pray before eating to thank God for their food.

So who would I thank? Well, there was flour, sugar, cocoa, soy milk, baking powder, salt. So lots of farmers (some of them--cocoa---possibly underpaid and overworked) were involved in this. Then there was probably some kind of refinement process, then packaging, shipping, stocking. Bethany made the nutella, so major props to her! Plus whatever ingredients went into that. It's fun to think about all the people who were involved in such a simple meal. People who are probably not normally appreciated for their "menial" labor. Without these people, I could't enjoy my many tasty meals. I also couldn't live in this house (construction workers), drive down the street, throw anything away (garbage collectors)...everyone contributes something. We're all one giant community. We just don't normally act like it. It can never be every wo/man for her/himself. We need each other.

So thank you, people, for my meal. I genuinely appreciate your hard work.

Safe spaces

You know what feels really really good? To share something I believe knowing others may not agree, to be listened to respectfully and get a thoughtful response that reflects the common beliefs we *do* share.

I think it's evangelism that doesn't normally allow this. Acknowledging that a different idea may be a good one will probably result in that persons condemnation. Sad.

It's also sad that I've come to expect that my ideas will not be accepted. I assume that even those who seem very accepting, who are part of a group that's all about openness, will only argue with my non-belief. I assume this because it's all I ever encounter. Thankfully, I'm occasionally proven wrong.

Safe spaces were what gave me the courage to first come out as gay. Coming out to people I knew would accept me gave me the courage to come out to those I was less sure of. Once I got used to being me in certain spaces, I had to be me everywhere. The same is true for my religious beliefs. I still feel I won't ever be able to tell certain people, but the more I'm allowed to explore my beliefs, the more courage I gain and the more open I become. 

This is what we should be doing for each other. Allowing everyone to become that person of integrity--the one who lives what she truly believes. If we're shaming people into boxes, we're taking away their soul-selves and that, I think, is one of humanity's greatest sins.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I'm sitting on a couch built by several someones. I'm looking up at a ceiling built by other someones. There's a bug on the ceiling--not built, just hatched as a result of its parents reproductive activities. I glance at the light bulb (looking long is not recommended) put together by someone, invented after tedious work by Edison and probably others who never get credit.

Everything I'm surrounded by in this room took work, probably some imagination, creativity. Perhaps those involved in the making of it all faced ridicule and discouragement. But they persevered. They imagined, worked, created. Human-made things exist today because people have the power in themselves to do that. We have evolved to the point of seemingly infinite creativity. We all have this power. Many of us don't realize it. Some of us may even go about working and creating without realizing that we've contributed something; that the work we're doing is important--be it to one person or many.

The progress we've made thus far (granted, we have far to go) has been made because people decided to do something. They decided to use their power to create. WE have that power. We don't have to ask for it. We don't have to be good enough to earn it. It's just there.

Why can't we admit that we all have something to contribute? Why do we continue to belittle ourselves and each other? YOU are an incredible person and you have something (many somethings) to offer. Do something with that.

And while you're at it, lay aside your beliefs and work together. Don't pretend you are more powerful because you have the most truth. That's anti-progress.


And this.